Meta Business Manager is a powerful tool that helps you manage permissions for your Meta business account, including your Facebook Pages, Instagram profiles, ad accounts, and more.
By setting user permissions, you can ensure control, security, and privacy over all your business assets within the Meta ecosystem.
To maximize the effectiveness of your Performance Messaging strategy, certain permissions are necessary.
These permissions are essential for us to help you set up conversion tracking, optimize your Click-to-WhatsApp (CTWA) campaigns, and manage your ad performance more effectively. By granting us these permissions, we can access additional resources to provide better support and insights, all while maintaining the same level of authorization and access we currently have through the Meta Business Account Manager.
Rest assured, all existing clauses in our NDA contract will remain in effect, ensuring user data security and compliance with GDPR regulations.
To proceed, simply add us as a partner and follow the steps below to grant the necessary permissions. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Step 1: Add a Partner
Navigate to the Partners List (1) in the Business Manager setup and click the Add button (2) . Select the option to give a partner access to your assets (3) .
Step 2: Add 360dialog Meta Business Manager ID
Insert 734443296905665
in the partner business ID field.
Step 3: Assign Additional Assets
Navigate to Pages (1) as the asset type, then choose all the pages (2) you use for ads. Assign the necessary permissions (3) to these pages.
Follow the same procedure for Ad Accounts, Catalogs, Instagram Accounts, Custom Conversions, Domains, and Datasets.
1. Ad Accounts
2. Catalogs
3. Instagram account
4. Custom conversions
5. Domains
6. Datasets
Step 4: Save changes
Once you have assigned all assets from above, save changes.